Every company creates a legacy.

What's yours going to be?

Introducing the Mission OS

The Mission OS is a personalized set of worksheets, resources and field guides to help you accelerate your mission and achieve better outcomes for everyone.

Mission-driven companies outperform

Do you have a mission? Is it embedded in everything you do? The Mission OS helps you get aligned and stay on track.

Improve outcomes, one step at a time.

Understanding outcomes is the gateway to understanding and creating lasting value. The Mission OS helps you find your way.

Get future-proofed, for impact and ESG.

Impact and ESG are here. Don't get caught offside or out of touch. The Mission OS helps you get clear and prove your progress.

Save time, improve focus, and make progress faster.

The Mission OS focuses on foundations, not frameworks, ensuring it's useful for whichever directions your mission takes you.

What's Inside

The Mission OS is a go-to resource for accelerating your mission and achieving better outcomes for everyone.It includes personalized worksheets, resources and field guides that you can use as complete management system or a modular resource to plug in to the way you work today.

Management Worksheet

A captain's log for mission and impact questions, actions, and priorities.

Context Worksheet

Surface key aspects of your company and how it interacts with the world.

Pathways Worksheet

Articulate pathways that lead from what you do, to what you want to achieve.

Implications Worksheet

Develop strategic insights based on your mission and impacts.

Management Registers

Keep track of policies, metrics, and communications to prove your progress.

Companion Resource

Field guides, resources, and toolkits to support your journey to better outcomes.

Get Started!

The Mission OS was developed by Michael Lewkowitz, in collaboration with Karim Harji. The accompanying Mission OS resource is available here.


Download the Mission OS template in Excel version.

Google Sheets

Create a copy of the Mission OS template in Google Sheets.

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